Africaland • Leggi argomento - italgiunti propshaft / albero cardanico italgiunti

italgiunti propshaft / albero cardanico italgiunti

Frizione, Cambio, Riduttore, Overdrive, Differenziale, Crociere, Alberi, Semiassi, Giunti Omocinetici

Messaggioil 15/04/2024, 11:21


I am tring to get a price for Discovery 2 front propshaft from italgiunti, but they do not reply my emails and I don't speak italian to call them.
Does anyone know, if they sell to private customers and what the price would be?

Maybe some 4x4 webshop sells italgiunti propshafts?


Google translated to italian / Google tradotto in italiano


Sto cercando di ottenere un prezzo per l'albero di trasmissione anteriore Discovery 2 da Italgiunti, ma non rispondono alle mie email e non parlo italiano per chiamarli.
Qualcuno sa se vendono a clienti privati e quale sarebbe il prezzo?

Magari qualche webshop 4x4 vende alberi cardanici Italgiunti?
Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: 15/04/2024, 11:11

Messaggioil 15/04/2024, 12:10

hi, write to Andrea Cietto on Facebook, he has an image with iG ITALGIUNTI written on it
Memento audere semper
Messaggi: 10
Iscritto il: 12/02/2023, 23:29

Messaggioil 15/04/2024, 12:15

Hello Orlop, I confirm they do sell to private customers and they usually have a reliable service. Where are you from? Could it be, they have shipping issues?

Regarding the price, idk exaclty, but they arent' too expensive.

If you explain carefully what you need I could phone them on your behalf
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Messaggi: 2339
Iscritto il: 07/09/2020, 18:22
Località: Torino

Messaggioil 15/04/2024, 13:24


I wrote email to MOD CUT @ 10.04 and sent new email today with MOD CUT in CC.

If you suggest turning to Andrea, then maybe I should be waiting for a few days for a feedback.

I am interested in Discovery 2 TD5 front propshaft price and if they are willing to ship it to Estonia (If not then I can use some transportation company to ship it from Italy to Estonia, but I would prefer direct shipping from italgiunti to Estonia).

I believe these are one of the best quality propshafts available?

MOD: do not add personal data (phone number, e-mail, etc.) in messages
Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: 15/04/2024, 11:11

Messaggioil 15/04/2024, 16:37

I wrote to Andrea Cietto privately and urged him to read your emails
Memento audere semper
Messaggi: 10
Iscritto il: 12/02/2023, 23:29

Messaggioil 15/04/2024, 17:36

Let us know if you get any answer... otherwise I'll have a call
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Messaggi: 2339
Iscritto il: 07/09/2020, 18:22
Località: Torino

Messaggioil 17/04/2024, 10:11

Still haven't received a reply.
Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: 15/04/2024, 11:11

Messaggioil 17/04/2024, 11:24

I'll give a call later today
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Messaggi: 2339
Iscritto il: 07/09/2020, 18:22
Località: Torino

Messaggioil 18/04/2024, 14:04

I forgot yesterday, sorry... but I phoned today and they said they have recived your email and will answer in the following days
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Messaggi: 2339
Iscritto il: 07/09/2020, 18:22
Località: Torino

Messaggioil 19/04/2024, 6:46

LR community is awesome.

Although it wasn't the reply I was expecting.
we are sorry but we don't have this cardan shaft available.
We just can't help you.
Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: 15/04/2024, 11:11

Messaggioil 01/05/2024, 12:20

Managed to get quotes for front prop.

nr. 1 cardan shaft for Discovery 2 - Italgiunti code 452200R - lenght: mm 635 working position (under the vehicle) - balanced and painted black

Price: € 400,00 +VAT 22%
Packaging: € 10,00 + VAT 22%
Payment: advance bank transfer
Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: 15/04/2024, 11:11


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